This site is Obsolete.
HS Deck DB is no longer being updated! Please visit HS Replay and use this site going forward as it has all the features of my site and more, essentially making this site obsolete.
Why the Shutdown?

Exactly 1 year ago (4/29/2016), I started tracking decks in a Google Docs spreadsheet to watch how they would change over time. From this, HS Deck DB was born.

In the last year, I've created this website and manually imported and reviewed over 4500 decks. There have been some other great sites that came along since then such as Metastats, but none of these sites actually served as a replacement for HS Deck DB.

Well, the Hearthstone Deck Tracker team has created a site called HS Replay which is powered by data directly from HDT and tracks thousands of games at every rank.

Realistically, there's no way I can compete with HS Replay , and I don't really see the need to, because it's been a great resource for me and served as a replacement for my site, and that's why I've decided to shut down HS Deck DB.

I want to say a HUGE thank you to anyone who ever used my site and if you'd like to keep in touch with me personally feel free to add me on bnet (mudz#1694).

Deck Filters