DayZ Epoch Weapon Mod Script

the weapon mod mod

View the Project on GitHub mudzereli/DayZEpochWeaponMods

Weapon Mod 1.1.0

This addon lets players remove weapon mods from their weapons and apply them to other weapons.

For example, you can take an ACOG scope off of an M4A1 and put it on a SA58, or add Gold Paint to a revolver, etc.

note:It only works with existing weapons, so you can't put a suppressor on a DMR or anything like that.

If you want to see some more visual footage, check out this imgur gallery or this video on


note: Due to the way saving data works, unattached weapon modifications do not save across server restarts, so the player must attach the part to a weapon again before it will save. Players are notified of this whenever they remove a modification from a weapon or whenever they have their weapon mod inventory open.


  1. download the files
  2. extract the addons and overwrites folder from the downloaded zip file into your mission file root
  3. add this line to the end of your mission file init.sqf.
    • call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\wmod\init.sqf";
  4. edit addons\wmod\config.sqf to configure some options such as what guns it works with etc.


To edit the configuration options, open addons\wmod\conifg.sqf

Some of the more complex configuration options are shown below (others are in the config.sqf)


     [... more info here ...]
parameter description type example
_attachment the name of the weapon attachment string "GP25 GL"
_base the classname that the attachment is put on to string "AK_74"
_upgrade the classname the item becomes after the attachment is put on string "AK_74_GL"


    [... more info here ...]
parameter description type example
_combined the name of the attachment to combine the other attachments into string "CCO Sight"
_attachments array of attachments to combine into the combined attachment array ["Kobra Sight"]

Change Log

version change
1.1.0 unused mods now persist after logout (but not server restart)
better inventory management system
more configurable options
1.0.1 bug fix for attachment removal
1.0.0 first release